Contemporary Oriental Medicine is traditional and revolutionary,
modern yet ancient
At first glance, it may appear to be a singular, personal perspective on Chinese medicine, however it is so much more. With deeper knowledge into the workings of one man’s remarkable mind, an explorer will find a great vista of theory and knowledge, revealing an intricate understanding of human beings and a thorough grasp of two different systems of medicine, along with exquisite diagnostic skills and a refreshing, deeply perceptive view of life.
The result of a lifetime of study, and devotion to healing, Contemporary Oriental Medicine has been formulated over sixty years of clinical practice from wisdom that reaches beyond the beginnings of recorded history. It is grounded in ancient medical knowledge that has evolved through the course of many centuries, and has been developed further to manage the challenges of the modern world.
COM fosters development of a level of perception and connection between human beings that can transform people even before any treatment begins, freeing them from the cages that restrict them in life.
As Dr. Hammer has said, “everyone wants to be heard, truly listened to, and understood.” Training in COM creates a practitioner who can listen in many ways, not only to what people say, but also to how they say it, and even to what they avoid or don’t say. COM practitioners can draw upon exemplary diagnostic skills –
COM is an insightful and profound journey into exactly what brought someone to the place, state or condition in which he presently exists. The transition from assessing a catalogue of symptoms, to understanding a patient’s condition, is an integral part of COM and its universally-
With this clarity and depth of understanding, the patient and practitioner together can formulate strategies to make true, lasting change possible: change that can alter the fabric of one’s life. This is healing, as it ought to be.
Dr. Leon Hammer, M.D. talks about How to Manage your Essence
Dr. Leon Hammer, M.D. talks about The Effects of Toxicity on the Modern World