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NEW PATIENT CONSULTATION W/ TREATMENT                                                             $100.00                                             

90 min consultation and treatment including Contemporary Chinese pulse diagnosis, tongue inspection, Questions and evaluation of current conditions and underlying imbalances in the body.  Treatment is focused on targeting the root cause of disease utilizing Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.  Includes acupuncture treatment session.

ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT (ESTABLISHED)                                                                   $90.00

  45–60-minute acupuncture treatment aimed at improving health, treating the root of disease and restoring balance in the body.  Treatment is based on the patient’s unique and individualized treatment plan.  Treatments may be recommended for prevention of disease when no symptoms are present.

ACPUNCTURE with Massage                                                                                              $125.00

60–90-minute acupuncture treatment with extended massage time which may include Gua Sha, Tui-na. or Cupping to get the deep tissue release.

ACUPUNCTURE PACKAGES (Prepaid packages for established patients only.  Does not include initial consultation.)

  • PACKAGE OF 4   ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENTS                       $300
  • PACKAGE OF 6   ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENTS                       $450
  • PACKAGE OF 10 ACUPUNCTURE  TREATMENTS.                     $700
  • PACKAGE OF 3   ACUPUNCTURE w/Massage Treatments   $300

Community Support Program                                          

STUDENTS/SENIORS -(13yrs – College and over 65)
(Includes Veterans, Public School Teachers, Public Safety Providers: Police, Firefighters, EMS)

   First Visit                                    $85.00

   Follow up Visit                          $70.00


 Massage/ Cupping Therapy     $80.00

Whether you want to relieve pain, heal faster, prevent future injuries, reduce cellulite, or simply let go of stress and general tension you can bet cupping will help. Myo-fascial cupping; releases tension; restore immunity; increased blood flow – this is a 30 min appointment

Mini acupuncture treatment – Stress Reduction     $30

20 min stress treatment for those that want to try acupuncture.

COSMETIC ACUPUNCTURE FOR FACE AND NECK – $1500.00 (does not include initial consult)

90-minute acupuncture treatment aimed at improvement in the fine lines of the face and a diminishing effect on deeper wrinkles, improved muscle tone, firmer jaw line as well as reduction of jowls, and reduction or elimination of rosacea and acne. General benefits include improvement for insomnia, hot flashes, Depression, Mild Anxiety and Digestive Disorders

5-week program- 2 treatments per week total of 10 treatments.



Cash or Check is preferred – Credit Cards accepted. 


828-817-4734 Directions Contact/Schedule