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Welcome to To the Point Healthcare helping people in Columbus, Saluda, Tryon, Rutherfordton, Landrum, North Carolina and  South Carolina. 

Our Services include:  Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Cosmetic Acupuncture (facial rejuvenation),Bio Puncture, Dry Needling , Cupping and Massage 


The ancient Chinese understood that the human body has remarkable abilities to heal itself and the role of the doctor was to maintain health and encourage healing from within.

Oriental Medicine is  a complete medical system in use for over 23 centuries that incorporate seven major branches of healing, Diagnosis (pulse, face, tongue), Acupuncture, Tui Na (medical bodywork: hands, cups, gua sha), Herbs, Qi Gong /Tai Chi, Nutritional Counseling,  Moxibustion. Any or all of these modalities may be used in the healing process.




Herbal Medicine


Facial Rejuvenation

We understand that patients may be receiving medical care/medications under another medical model (Western Medicine). Therefore, an integrative approach will be used so that the best health care is provided for an optimal well being.

Please enjoy this website. I trust you will find it informative and enlightening. When you have questions feel free to contact me as I am always happy to talk about Oriental Medicine and how it can help.  Send me a email  with your questions or call me.

Cynthia Milligan MAOM. Lac. 

The enlightened doctor intervenes before physical disease has become apparent, while the average physician springs into action only after disease has become apparent.                      Hur Jun –  Dongyi banojian (Precious reflections by an Eastern Physician )

Acupuncture: A Gentle Touch in the Fight Against Cancer

Hearing you’ve been diagnosed with cancer can feel like getting run over by a freight train. It can be overwhelming to learn about the prognosis, treatment options, and what to expect as you begin the journey that will hopefully lead to a full recovery. 

The aggressive treatments, often including chemotherapy and radiation, can leave patients feeling drained and in

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Acupuncture Offers Hope for Diabetes Management

If you or someone you love suffers from type 2 diabetes, then you understand the challenges that come with this disease. Despite adhering to a medication regimen and making positive lifestyle changes, those dealing with diabetes might still struggle with managing blood sugar levels. Frustration and fatigue can be constant companions. But did you know that acupuncture can help

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Examining the Synergy of Acupuncture and Meditation

If you suffer from stress and anxiety (and really, who doesn’t?) and you are looking for better and holistic ways to cope, you might want to consider the combination of meditation and acupuncture. While there is a big difference between the two, what they bring together is a formidable duo in pursuit of complete wellbeing. 

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